Inhalt der Website:: La Lupa ist anders. Wenn die in Zürich lebende Tessinerin italienische Lieder oder Gedichte singt, taucht sie in die Ozeane der Gefühle ein - und mit ihr das Publikum. Was heisst singen: La Lupa erleidet die melancholisch-tragischen Texte. Dann trägt ihr Vortrag Brecht'sche Züge. Doch wo echter Witz vor (fast) nichts haltmacht, darf Tragik komisch werden, Frivolität ergreifend.
Stichworte für Suchmaschinen:: La Lupa, rote Wölfin, Produktionen, Che fortuna, Canto alla luna, Con tenera follia, Traditionen, Glückliche Tage, Interviews, Pressespiegel, Shop, Bestellen, CD
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When this Zürich based performer from the Ticino region of Switzerland sings old Italian songs or poems, she plunges into an ocean of emotion - taking her audience with her.
Singing? - La Lupa lives out the melancholy or tragic lyrics. Then her performance becomes almost Brechtian. For when real with stops at just about nothing, the tragic can become comic, the frivolous become moving.
Here - as in reality - we find an exuberant love of life alongside silent grief, enticing feminity beside a serious reserve. La Lupa doesn`t present a show, she is one. The comedienne deep down inside her is irrepressible.
Life itself, La Lupa´s very own love of live, together with her vulnerability make her material into a show. And wherever life is played out, that`s where La Lupa plays - in gardens, theatres, castles, museums, halls, in public squares, on terraces, rooftops and decks of ships....
The lyrics are sung in La Lupa`s mother tongue and those who know no Italian - well, they still understand.